Tuesday, March 20, 2012
DJ Rhom Update
5:14 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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Yeah Yeah Yeah,
It may seem like I have died, fallen off the face of the Earth, or just gone into the Abyss of idling...but the real life truth is that since the last update my beautiful wife Rhialle gave me the most precious gift in the world...a healthy baby boy. Since then my primary focus is (and to this date is) taking care of my little man. He means the world to me and for anyone to say otherwise really needs to look upon themselves to delve into what is important in life. Personally before the birth of my son I found it hard to relate to the parental instincts of my friends. That all changed when baby Andrew was born. Some weird things about being a new parent are that I am no longer afraid of holding newborns, I am used to being puked on, and I got a course correction into what exactly is important in life. Here is a of picture of my little man...
So, in the past few months, he has been my focus. Now on the Real Life work front, the nuclear power plant I work at is getting ready to go into a shutdown to refuel. What that means is that I will be working as many hours as possible by law to support that. So, the bottom line is that DJ Rhom will still be on hiatus until mid May. I hope you all understand that RL by far takes precedence over DJ'ing and I look forward to coming back sometime in May. By no means does that mean I am giving up DJ'ing in SL. To the contrary, I cannot wait until I am able. It is just that I need a little bit longer to get things into order on the Real Life front before I can provide you with the quality of mixes that over the past 3 years that you have come to expect. I look forward to your continued support until then.
It may seem like I have died, fallen off the face of the Earth, or just gone into the Abyss of idling...but the real life truth is that since the last update my beautiful wife Rhialle gave me the most precious gift in the world...a healthy baby boy. Since then my primary focus is (and to this date is) taking care of my little man. He means the world to me and for anyone to say otherwise really needs to look upon themselves to delve into what is important in life. Personally before the birth of my son I found it hard to relate to the parental instincts of my friends. That all changed when baby Andrew was born. Some weird things about being a new parent are that I am no longer afraid of holding newborns, I am used to being puked on, and I got a course correction into what exactly is important in life. Here is a of picture of my little man...
So, in the past few months, he has been my focus. Now on the Real Life work front, the nuclear power plant I work at is getting ready to go into a shutdown to refuel. What that means is that I will be working as many hours as possible by law to support that. So, the bottom line is that DJ Rhom will still be on hiatus until mid May. I hope you all understand that RL by far takes precedence over DJ'ing and I look forward to coming back sometime in May. By no means does that mean I am giving up DJ'ing in SL. To the contrary, I cannot wait until I am able. It is just that I need a little bit longer to get things into order on the Real Life front before I can provide you with the quality of mixes that over the past 3 years that you have come to expect. I look forward to your continued support until then.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
05/13 - 05/16 DJ Rhom Weekend Schedule
12:55 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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DJ Rhom / DJane Ema Joint Event!
2200 - 2500 JPT
0600 - 0900 SLT
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mimolette/155/58/251
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mimolette/155/58/251
DJ Schedule:
0600 ~ 0730 DJane Ema - Electro Pop
0730 ~ 0900 DJ Rhom - House/Tech House
This Saturday I will be back in Japan this time doing an event with my good DJ friend Ema Burt. We have been good friends for a long time and both share a passion for music. It is nice to be doing an event with her since most times when I am spinning in Elfin she is spinning in Lucente. So it will be nice to be able to hear her spin for a change! I hope to see you guys there and do not be shy because it is a Japanese club! They are very friendly people and fellow lovers of music!
05/09 @ Toontopia!
12:42 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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Monday morning I was back at Toontopia. I had a cold and was not feeling very well but the show must go on LOL! I spun mostly house tunes. My sexy hostess Ebony was there as always pumping up the crowd. I had a good time and will be back in 2 weeks!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
05/06 - 05/09 DJ Rhom Weekend Schedule
7:06 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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Toontopia Dance Club Main Room
0300 - 0500 SLT
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Toon%20Town/129/129/32I am back in Toontopia after a week break. I am not sure exactly what type of sound I am going to look for this week, but I can say it will be house music LOL! I hope to see ya guys there!
Friday, April 29, 2011
04/29 - 05/02 DJ Rhom Weekend Off!
10:32 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I will not doing any sets this weekend. Due to RL work I am taking the weekend off from spinning but I will be back next weekend! So in the meantime continue the groove!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
04/25 @ Toontopia!
5:49 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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Monday morning I was back in Toontopia for some more house music. I followed on the heels of DJane Ebony who spins some awesome vocal trance. For my set she switches roles and becomes my hostess lol. For this set I wanted to keep with the house theme but focus the sound a little more on the house and a little bit less DISCO, which I have been doing a lot of as of late.
With Ebony handling the customers I was able to keep things rocking! Many thanks goes out to the Korean and Japanese customers that came out! I love having ya guys in TT! Lemme tell you, the track selection for this set made for some difficult mixing on my end but I thought the music flowed together well! One transition in particular was difficult and any DJ will know that when mixing and you have a track with a prominent off beat midrange sound it makes for some tricky mixing! I really had a good time and I look forward to being back in Toontopia in 2 weeks!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
04/22 @ La Festa!
2:33 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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Oh wow I had such a banging good time that I forgot to snap some screenshots of the event :( I am sorry but I really had a much better time than I anticipated! I was not sure what kinda of crowd Ryo's club would draw but I ended up having a rather large audience who were all grooving! It was really nice to be able to spin with Orange and Ryo and I look forward to spinning there again! If you were not there ya missed some good electro house tunes!
04/22 - 04/25 DJ Rhom Weekend Schedule
2:29 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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FRIDAY April 22
Club La Festa
0700 - 1000 SLT
2300 - 2600 JPT
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/tonton/40/106/951DJ Schedule:
0700 - 0800 DJ Rhom - Electro
0800 - 0900 DJ Orange - Electro
0900 - 1000 DJ Ryo - Electro
This Friday I will be doing an all electro event with 2 of my oldest friends in SL. We are all gonna doing electro / electro house and will all be using our Denon DN-MC6000 controllers! It is sure to be a banging good time so please come on out!
MONDAY April 25
Toontopia Dance Club Main Room
0300 - 0500 SLT
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Toon%20Town/129/129/32Monday morning I will be back in Toontopia doing my semi weekly slot. I will probably be doing some more house music with DISCO tones so hope to see you there!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
04/18 @ Toontopia!
9:04 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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Monday morning found me back again doing my semi weekly set in Toontopia! My DJ friends were not kidding when they said it was difficult to find new tracks the last week. I spent so many hours going through new tracks that just did not have the feeling I was looking for. So I ended up doing a set that was hal new stuff and then half stuff from the last month or so. I started out with the first few tracks with a house sound and then gradually built in a disco type sound that grew more and more pronounced as the set progressed.
My sexy hostess Ebony was there as always keeping the crowd pumped up. It ended up being a pretty good crowd for the one of the hardest times to spin in SL! People were really getting into the tunes! I do not know how much longer I will be doing disco type stuffs but I think I will continue to experiment with the regular flavor of house. I look forward to seeing ya guys there next week!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
04/15 - 04/18 DJ Rhom Weekend Schedule
2:10 AM | Posted by
Rhomoruel |
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MONDAY April 18
Toontopia Dance Club Main Room
0300 - 0500 SLT
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Toon%20Town/129/129/32I am back at Toontopia doing my normal semi-weekly event! I plan on continuing my latest theme of house / tech house and I look forward to seeing ya all there! For those that may wonder why the change to the 3 AM slot it is due to time changes and when my hostess is available.
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About Me
- Rhomoruel
- Hi! I am a DJ in the Second Life virtual world. I play mostly electro and progressive house. I am from the Detroit area so I tend to have some urban flavor in my sets.