Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hello!  I hope you guys had a safe and Happy New Year!  I was working New Year's Day so I did not do any sets that night.  I did, however get to celebrate the New Year early with a couple of my Cybermatrix friends!  Pettan was playing a New Year set in a toy store and she invited Ace and I to come along.  Here is a picture of her set.

She did a nice mix of her pretty unique tunes!  I had a great time!  Afterwards we all lined up and rang in the new year by ringing a giant bell.  Here it is:

Although I was not able to celebrate The New Year in real life it was still nice to celebrate it online!


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About Me
Hi! I am a DJ in the Second Life virtual world. I play mostly electro and progressive house. I am from the Detroit area so I tend to have some urban flavor in my sets.
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