Friday, February 4, 2011

01/10 @ Toontopia!

Today found me doing my normal slot in Toontopia.  I was having a hard time figuring out what to play as I just have not been feeling the electro house groove lately so I decided to go with some more prog house.  I hav not played this much prog house in a long time but I seemed to feeling that genre's groove more lately.  The crowd did not seem to mind!

My normal hostess Ebony was back and she likes prog house a lot so was nice to spin some tunes she liked.  She also kept the crowd pumping!  All in all it was a good time and I look forward to seeing you guys next time!


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About Me
Hi! I am a DJ in the Second Life virtual world. I play mostly electro and progressive house. I am from the Detroit area so I tend to have some urban flavor in my sets.
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