Saturday, March 19, 2011

03/14 @ Toontopia

The morning found me back doing my normal set in Toontopia.  Due to the time change I swapped out slots and spun 2 hours later than normal.  Man was I tired when the set began but the music got me pumping!

My sexy hostess Ebony get everyone pumping as usual.  Ended up drawing a rather large crowd and the topics of discussion were....quite lewd but funny nonetheless.  I still stuck with the house/tech house feeling for the set...there just have been a lot of really good tracks with that sound so that is what I spun.  Even had a group of Korean DJs show up to listen so thank you very much for coming out!  I hope to see ya guys next time!


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About Me
Hi! I am a DJ in the Second Life virtual world. I play mostly electro and progressive house. I am from the Detroit area so I tend to have some urban flavor in my sets.
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