Tuesday, January 4, 2011

12/20 @ Toontopia!

Hey guys!  Today I did my official return to Toontopia after being gone for so long.  It was really great to back to my normal super late night slot as it lets me really play what I feel like it.  And this set I felt like starting out tech house and then going to some nasty electro!

Of course I had my sexy hostess Ebony keeping the crowd pumped up!  It was really nice being able to lay down some electro house!  The club also looked nice all decorated for the holidays!

Here is a view looking out from the DJ booth showing off some of the other club decorations.  Anyhow I had a great time and if you were not there ya missed some banging tracks!  I look forward to my next time in Toontopia...who knows what ill be spinning!


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About Me
Hi! I am a DJ in the Second Life virtual world. I play mostly electro and progressive house. I am from the Detroit area so I tend to have some urban flavor in my sets.
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